This was a Global Pitch among all Samsung Agencies to launch the Samsung Galaxy J in Latin America in 2016. The brief was to create an online demo video to advertise Galaxy J's main features: A front lamp for selfies, Super AMOLED Screen, and a battery that lasts longer than its main competitors. 
Instead of just a demo vídeo, we've created three different films, telling the stories of some characters with strong appeal among the audience: a Toy Designer, a Professional Biker, and a Food Truck Chef. We've inserted all the product features in the character's routine, showing the benefits of Samsung Galaxy J. The concept was "What you make, makes you" (Eres lo que haces). With this idea, we've got the Global Pitch and more than 35M views on Youtube and Facebook combined.
Cheil Brazil
Creative Director Sergio Alves
Art Director João Gabriel Gragnani
Copywriter Alair Erlon
Production House Barry Company
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